Monday, April 12, 2010

A Certain Slash Chord on Stella

The chord Gaug/A makes a great A7 substitute, implying Lydian #5. The chord itself implies Gmaj7#5.

But wait, that mode, the third mode of melodic minor, can be transposed to numerous places to imply an A7 chord, because the 4th 5th and 7th modes of melodic minor are all dominant scales.

So Gmaj7#5, Fmaj7#5, Dbmaj7#5 (or Gaug/A, Faug/G, Dbaug/Eb) all very cool sounding chords, all imply some kind of A7 chord.

And as for the ii chord? Em7b5? We're going to use the sixth mode of melodic minor, but play the chord of the 3rd or 5th mode: Bbmaj7#5 or D9b13 (or related slash chords).

I'm going to start out for now by being very strict about chord tones because if I start using substitutions for the substitutions things get too far out too fast. Except of course for the aforementioned TBNII.

Here's a chorus on Stella

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